Dear Customer,

IQ Incoming GmbH (hereinafter called “IQ Incoming”) provides tour operators with travel services, while offering direct travel services to our customers. IQ Incoming is not a tour operator according to German tourism law. We provide services based on the following conditions, unless otherwise agreed in individual contracts:

 1. Booking and Confirmation

1.1 Booking a tour with IQ Incoming means you are entering a binding contract with IQ Incoming. This should be done in writing, i.e. by letter, fax, or email.

As soon as we confirm in writing the price of your travel services, IQ Incoming will consider your contract as binding.

Should any contents of IQ Incoming’s confirmation differ from the booking contents, there will be a new offer which shall be binding to IQ Incoming for a period of ten days. The contract will be established based on such a new offer, unless you object in writing to IQ Incoming within 10 days after receipt of the new offer. IQ Incoming will remind you of the period of objection separately.

2. Payment

We preserve the right to ask for an appropriate advanced payment deposit for reservations upon or after contract closure. The deposit amount and the date of payment shall be agreed on in writing and be part of the contract.  Of course the deposit shall be credited – to the overall the travel price. IQ Incoming preserves the right to claim a 20% advanced payment of the travel price in case there is no individual contract.

Any cost for an insurance contract mediated by IQ Incoming shall be due in full along with the advanced payment and will on no account be reimbursed by IQ Incoming, neither in full nor proportionately according to the cancellation grid in paragraph 4.1.

Any invoices without due date are payable without discount within 14 days from date of invoice.

Vouchers shall be sent to you by email immediately after receipt of the invoice amount. We kindly ask you to carefully verify the vouchers upon receipt in your own interest. You will need to present the vouchers to your hotel staff, your guide, or other service providers. Please enter the following if you prefer using your own voucher: „Reservation and Payment by IQ Incoming GmbH“

In case of payments by PayPal, a fee of 5% will be added to the total amount. 
We preserve the right to invoice any higher processing fees that might be charged.

Any cancellation or rebooking fees shall be payable immediately. When  renting a car or a  vacation home, the service provider may ask  you for an appropriate security deposit for any additional expenses and/or any losses whatsoever that might arise from the use of such goods.

Failure to pay in full any amounts payable despite of a notice, including a respective period of grace, shall grant IQ Incoming the right to withdraw from the contract and to claim a cancellation fee for reimbursement according to paragraph 4.1, unless some significant travel deficiencies have been observed by that time.

3. Services and Options

Services agreed by contract are limited to the specifications contained in the travel confirmation and the invoice. Any discrepancies which become necessary after conclusion of the contract and which have not been brought about by IQ Incoming in bad faith are only permitted insofar as the changes are not substantial, do not affect the overall nature of the trip and are reasonable for you.

All offers are bound to a minimum number of participants. Should the minimum number of participants not be met, IQ Incoming preserves the right to adjust the service price within the reasonable limits deemed to be usual in this line of business or cancel the tour, without the cancellation or change giving rise to any claims for damages.

4. Customer’s Cancellation, Rebooking, Replacement

If you cancel the contract or if you do not utilize the booked service, IQ Incoming may charge you a refund for any travel preparations made and any cost related to them. IQ Incoming’s claim for reimbursement will take into consideration any usual saved expenditures and/or other possible benefits as a lump-sum amount according to the grid below, notwithstanding your responsibility to provide evidence for any cost which might fall below the stated amount or cost that may  not have arisen. The cancellation fees per person in % of the respective travel price are as follows:*

up to 42 days prior to departure – no cost
up to 30 days prior to departure – 10% (min. EUR 50)
up to 21 days prior to departure – 40%
up to 14 days prior to departure – 50%
up to 7 days prior to departure – 80%
up to departure or in case of absence – 90%.

* (These conditions do not apply during fairs, conferences, or similar events).

Cancellation fees during fairs, conferences, or similar events differ from the cancellation fees above. The following cancellation fees per person in % of the respective travel price apply unless otherwise stated in the offer/confirmation:

up to 180 days prior to departure – no cost
up to 120 days prior to departure – 20%
up to departure or in case of absence – 90%.

If you wish to change  your itinerary after booking the trip,   such as the travel date, destination, place of departure, accommodations, or mode of transportation, the cost will by default be the same as in case of a cancellation from your side. Therefore, conditions and fees of cancellation may apply for rebooking. Any other minor changes may be accounted for by IQ Incoming with a EUR 50,- service fee.

Declarations of cancellation, rebooking and/or change may be informal but should be in writing as a matter of evidence and in your own interest.

5. Services not utilized

If you do not use some individual services due to early return or other reasons, IQ Incoming will ask the service providers to reimburse any saved expenditures. This obligation does not apply for services which are deemed completely insignificant.

6. Termination due to Force Majeure/cancellation by the customer before the start of the tour

You may withdraw from the contract at any time before the start of the tour.

IQ Incoming GmbH may not demand compensation or a cancellation fee from you in accordance with the scale in section 4 if the conditions of § 651 h, paragraph 3 of the German Civil Code (BGB) apply, which are set out in the following wording:

“By way of derogation from paragraph 1, sentence 3, the tour operator may not claim compensation if unavoidable, extraordinary circumstances occur at the place of destination or in its immediate vicinity which significantly impair the performance of the package tour or the carriage of persons to the place of destination. Circumstances are unavoidable, and exceptional within the meaning of this Subtitle, if they are beyond the control of the party invoking them and their consequences could not have been avoided even if all reasonable precautions had been taken”.

7. Warranties and Compensation for Damages

If our services are defective, you are required to notify us of the defects immediately – i.e. without culpable delay – in order to protect your rights (cf. § 651 o Para. 1 BGB). IQ Incoming is entitled to deliver a remedy  with a value equal to or exceeding  the cost of the original item. Moreover, IQ Incoming may deny any remedy that would imply a disproportionate burden. Any complaints you might have,  should be send to IQ Incoming by email (, or via a phone call to our service hotline (+49 221 29294900).

If you culpably fail to notify IQ Incoming GmbH of a defect, you shall not be entitled to claim a reduction in price pursuant to § 651 m and damages pursuant to § 651 n of the German Civil Code (BGB).

The tour price shall be reduced for the duration of a defect in the tour. In the event of a reduction, the tour price shall be reduced in the same proportion as the value of the tour would have been in a defect-free condition at the time of conclusion of the contract.

If the travel is significantly affected by a deficit which IQ Incoming is not able to eliminate within an appropriate period of time although you asked for remedy, you may cancel the contract within the scope of legal terms and/or claim compensation insofar as IQ Incoming is to be held responsible for the deficit of the service. In case of a termination for reasons which IQ Incoming is not to be held responsible for, you will be charged for the part of the travel price related to the services utilized.

8. Liabilities

Within the scope of fair business, IQ Incoming guarantees for: correctness of all services the contract includes according to item 3.2, proper delivery of all services agreed, but not for any specifications taken from hotel and/or site brochures.

The liability of IQ Incoming GmbH shall be limited to three times the tour price insofar as the damages are
a) no bodily injury and
b) not culpably caused.

For any claim in tort against IQ Incoming for a damage that was not caused in a deliberate or grossly negligent manner, liability for property damage are limited to three times the travel price per traveler and travel arrangements.
Any further claims related to baggage according to the Montreal Convention will be unaffected by these limitations.
For your own sake, we recommend you purchase a travel accident insurance and baggage insurance.

IQ Incoming is not liable for any service disturbances related to services that are provided as contracted service only (e.g. a sports event, a visit to a theatre, an exposition, transportation to and from the start and target location indicated), as far as these services are explicitly identified in the travel advertisement, where the contracted partner’s services are identified as contracted services, thus evidently excluding them from the scope of IQ Incoming’s travel services.

9. Limitation of contractual claims

Your contractual claims due to defects in the tour are subject to a limitation period of two years. The limitation period begins on the day on which the tour should have ended according to the contract (cf. § 651 j BGB).

The assignment of claims against IQ Incoming GmbH is excluded. This does not apply to family members travelling with the client.

10. Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction for registered traders, for persons without a general domestic jurisdiction, and for persons who transferred their home address or main residence to a foreign country after contract closure or whose home address or main residence is unknown by the time of filing the complaint, shall be the city of Cologne, Germany.

11. Invalidity of individual Provisions

Invalidity of individual provisions of the travel contract does not imply invalidity of the travel contract as such.

12. Privacy and Miscellaneous Items

All person-related data delivered from you to IQ Incoming for handling your travel are protected against misfeasance according to the German Data Protection Act. Oral agreements are mostly unprovable after the fact. For this reason, IQ Incoming will accept no oral agreements unless they have been confirmed in writing. We preserve the right to correct any printing and/or obvious calculation errors.

Usually, several booked services are taxed according to § 25 UstG (special regulation for tour operators), i.e. VAT may not be shown.

With regard to the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act, IQ Incoming GmbH points out that the company does not participate in any voluntary consumer dispute resolution.

Please note that this text has been machine translated for your convenience.
Only our Terms and Conditions in German are legally binding.